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My Coaching Stand


My coach stand symbol is a Tree of Life. Each of my clients has their own tree of life. This tree has two distinct parts. The first part is above the ground and is visible to everyone around it. This part has branches, beautiful leaves and flowers and sometimes also has birds staying and bringing beautiful sounds to its aliveness. The other part is below the ground: the roots that help the tree to stay grounded, provide the tree with nutrition needed to grow and to blossom.

There is no limit how tall a tree can grow, but in order to grow, the tree with also needs to grow the roots themselves and remove some of the roots that preventing the growth, and nurturing the strong roots to foster the growth for the tree in its life journey. As a coach, I am supporting and nurturing the growth in my client’s Tree of Life. I will support the client to put in the soil, the water, the lights to the tree so that it continues to go through all the seasons in its life: fall, winter, spring and summer so that its journey is full of joy, hope, fulfillment and happiness. Each of my client deserves to have the best tree of life that is full of beautiful energy in its own power to transform all the obstacles, hardship into power and strength, just like the tree transforms the carbon dioxide into oxygen to bring life to everyone around it. The tree has its own resourcefulness and resilience that once being tapped in, it can cope with the winter so that in the spring it will bring out flowers and fruits. The Tree of Life keeps changing throughout the seasons just like our clients going through their own life. Each of them has their own winter and spring. The key part is to stay in the moment, appreciate the roots that nurture them to go thus far, and look into the future spring that will bring flowers and fruits to serve the world when time comes.

My coaching stand

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